EPPO Database on Resistance Cases

The EPPO Database on Resistance Cases aims to share information on documented resistance cases among the authorities responsible for registration of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) across the EPPO region and between authorities and other stakeholders such as the agrochemical companies which apply for registration of PPPs, researchers, scientists, extension officers and users of PPPs. This database was developed initially as a tool for the EPPO Expert Working Group on Resistance and has evolved into a platform to assist EPPO member countries and applicants involved in PPP authorization process in:

  • Reaching a common understanding of development of resistance across the EPPO region;
  • Facilitating the early identification of resistance trends;
  • Developing resistance management strategies that take into account both the national and regional resistance contexts;
  • Addressing resistance issues in the authorization process and facilitating the implementation of EPPO Standard PP 1/213 Resistance risk analysis.

The added value of the database, when compared to other available databases, is the inclusion of information about early detection of resistance cases, as well as resistance cases that occur locally, that are based on data even if this data is limited.

The database covers resistance cases based on samples collected in the field (cases of resistance developed in the laboratory are not covered). Each entry corresponds to a given Crop (or Crop group )/Pest/Mode of Action/Country combination. Resistant biotypes showing the same resistance characteristics (same country, MoA, same species, same resistance mechanism e.g. same target site mutation) but occurring in different crops or crop groups may be listed as a combined case, depending on indications.

The database is not intended to compete with or replace the public information from the Resistance Action Committees (RACs) nor it will replace the responsibility of the companies when reporting cases of resistance to the national authorities. Dialogue and cooperation between the industry, via the RACs, and the authorities of the EPPO countries is expected to take place when considering resistance cases for inclusion in the database.

All EPPO members countries are invited to provide an official contact point and provide information about resistance cases in their respective countries through this contact point. Updates and new information on the resistance cases presented in the database are also welcomed. The new cases and information will be made available in the database after validation by the EPPO Expert Working Group on Resistance to Plant Protection Products. Old resistance cases (i.e. older than 20 years) will be proposed for validation as historical cases.

If you want to know who the contact point for your country is, please contact the EPPO Secretariat.

To access the EPPO Database on Resistance Cases please click here.

To see a video presentation of the EPPO Database on Resistance Cases please click here.

Last Expert Working Group meeting in Athens (September 2023)

How to cite us: EPPO (2024). EPPO Database on Resistance Cases. https://resistance.eppo.int/ [accessed date]

To access the EPPO Database on Resistance Cases:

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What's new




The EPPO Database on Resistance Cases is available online since September 2021. All EPPO member countries have been invited to provide an official contact point and provide information about PPP resistance cases in their respective countries through this contact point... read more

Already 26 EPPO member countries have nominated a contact point.


To see a video presentation of the EPPO Database on Resistance Cases please click here.

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